Over 29 years of successful trial experience Helping people fight for justice
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James P. Feely, Jr., is here to help if you are charged with a DWI, DUI, weed possession, or other criminal defense matter in Kirkwood.
There are many different types of municipal offenses you can be charged with, and many of them carry possible jail time and high fines.
Kirkwood, Missouri is a city within St. Louis County. The city has its own municipal prosecutor and judge.
The municipal court house address is 139 S. Kirkwood Rd., Kirkwood, MO 63122.
The police in Kirkwood are well-trained and strictly enforce the laws within their city.
If you are stopped by the police in Kirkwood, they will arrest or ticket you if they believe you violated the law.
If you are arrested for DWI in Kirkwood, you will need the advice and counsel of an experienced DWI attorney right away.
In addition to criminal ramifications for an intoxication-related driving offense, there are also repercussions for your driving privileges - even for a first offense.
If you are being investigated by the police for a DWI, they will ask you how much alcohol you have consumed, when you consumed it, when you last ate, and other questions.
They will even ask you if you feel you are under the influence of a alcohol.
Unfortunately most people answer all of these questions, when in fact they have the right to invoke their 5th Amendment right and not incriminate themselves.
Sometimes a driver might have an otherwise winnable case, but because they gave incriminating answers to these questions, it made if very difficult to win at trial.
At a trial, the officer will be allowed to tell the jury what you said during the investigation. Even if it was not audio recorded but coming from the officer's report and memory.
The only way to keep these types of statements out of evidence is by prevailing on a motion to suppress statements.
If you have a DWI or other criminal defense matter, you need an attorney who is familiar with pretrial strategies such as motions to suppress evidence and statements, and others.
​You might have a weed or petty larceny charge that you picked up in Kirkwood. If so, you need an attorney who will fight for you.
A municipal violation can wind up on criminal record as a conviction if not handled properly.
Such a conviction can cause a person to miss out on job opportunities and the ability to qualify for student financial aid (drug convictions).
Sometimes these pretrial motions can mean the difference between winning and losing a case - depending on the circumstances.
If a person goes to court without first seeking the advice of counsel, they are making a big mistake.
A person who is not a lawyer will not know whether the city has a strong case against them or not.
Without an attorney, you might not know how to receive a copy of the police report or the ordinance that applies in your case.
You further won't know how your facts relate to the law and surrounding circumstances if you try to represent yourself.
An arrest or even a speeding ticket is a serious enough matter to make it worthwhile to have a lawyer to help you.
Call today for a free initial consultation.
Mr. Feely represents clients in many different municipal courts - St. Ann, Florissant, Sunset Hills, and many others.